This website is published by ADKline.Design
13B rue du Petit Rachapt
355000 Vitré
SIRET: 79952064800020
Editor: Adam KLINE
In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the Consumer Code, we offer a consumer mediation service. The selected mediation entity is: CNPM - MEDIATION DE LA CONSOMMATION. In the event of a dispute, you can submit your complaint on their website: or by post by writing to CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27 avenue de la libération - 42400 Saint-Chamond.
This site and all its contents are hosted by the company OVH. ADKline.Design warrants that it will provide the site services with reasonable care and skill in order to ensure the security, reliability and availability of the services but cannot be held responsible for any hardware or software problems with the servers provided by OVH.
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Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
ADKline.Design reserves copyright and similar rights over texts, images, photographs, drawings and logos contained in the web pages of the site as well as in all downloadable documents. The copyright and similar rights of third parties who have authorised the use of their content for the site is also reserved.
As part of usual business, ADKline.Design is required to process information about you. Some of this information is personally identifying ("Personal Data"). This Privacy Policy informs you about how we collect and process your Personal Data. Please read it carefully.
We only use your Personal Data in cases where we have a legitimate business interest - specifically in the collection of contact details when you decide to contract us via the contact form on the site or by email.
Your individual rights take precedence over our legitimate interests, and we will never use your data for commercial purposes without your express permission.
By you filling in a contact form with our surname, first name, email address and telephone number
The data that we collect directly via forms is not passed on to any other company. Within ADKline.Design, only persons authorised to process the receipt of forms can access your personal data.
The data we collect directly is stored in France, on OVH's servers.
All exchanges with our website are encrypted by a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate. ADKline.Design's employees authorised to access your data do so via a secure connection with an encrypted login and password.
You may withdraw your consent to use any of our services provided by the site. You may also request the deletion of your personal data from our systems. Your request should be addressed to the attention of the person responsible for processing Personal Data.
The Data Controller and Processor is ADKline.Design.
The Data Protection Officer is Adam KLINE: